Health Assessments

Quick care centerExercise is important for anyone who wants to maintain or achieve good health. It improves our health in a variety of ways including to help optimize our weight, to prevent or help improve the management of chronic problems such as diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. It is recommended to exercise every day if possible. Common exercises include cardio which includes: walking, jogging, elliptical machine and bicycling. These activities should have a goal of at least 30-45 minutes then increasing as tolerated. Weight training exercise is also important.


A balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables is very important. Try to limit processed foods, salty foods, too much organic meat and fried foods. Avoid fast foods. Fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines are an important part of a balanced diet.

Weight Management

Weight loss will always be a hot topic. As a result of our diets and lifestyle it is more difficult to keep our weight down. To remain healthy it is imperative to keep the weight down. With diet and exercise this can be accomplished. When indicated supplements, FDA approved drugs are also appropriate.
Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

Along with a bioimpedance test are useful to help objectively measure your body composition and body fat percentage.

The following are some ideas to help you keep your weight under control.

  • Avoid Fast Food.
  • Exercise as much as possible.
  • Start your day with breakfast.
  • Eat small regular meals
  • Avoid eating late at night
  • Minimize fried foods in your diets.
  • Avoid white starches such as potatoes and rice.
  • Eat smaller portions of food.
  • When eating at a restaurant take half of your meal home with you for a later meal.
  • Eliminate soda and sugary drinks from your diet which will help decrease calories.
  • Weigh yourself regularly, at least once a week.
  • Buy a pedometer and walk at least 10,000 steps a day.


Diabetes care and treatment have improved significantly over the years. Type I (insulin requiring) and Type II (Non insulin requiring) continue to increase throughout the world. Diabetes is a leading cause of heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, amputations and disability.

It is important to keep your sugar levels as close to normal as possible.The following are important for all diabetics:

  • Hemoglobin AIC goal should be 7 or less. This is a 3 month average of your sugars
  • ACE Inhibitor medicine is effective for protecting against kidney disease and improving blood pressure.
  • Cholesterol medicine is important to optimize cholesterol levels.
  • Aspirin once a day is important.
  • Pneumonia Shot (Pneumonax) should be given to all diabetics
  • An ophtlomologist and podiatry evaluation is needed yearly to help monitor your eyes and feet. This helps prevent and identify and problems early.
  • Urine microalbumin test, a urine test should be done yearly to check for kidney problems

Tobacco Cessation (Stop Smoking)

Smoking is the most important cause of preventable disease and premature death in the world. It costs billions of dollars to the United States each year.There are multiple medications approved by the FDA to aid in quitting smoking including: Nicotine patches, Nicotine gum, and Nicotine lozenges which are available over the counter. Buproprion (Zyban) and Varenicline (Chantix) are non nicotine pills available by prescription.


Elevated cholesterol can lead to heart disease and vascular disease. When needed cholesterol medicines along with diet are used to decrease your cholesterol levels. Conditions such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease and know cardiovascular disease are reasons to have your cholesterol aggressively lowered. Your total cholesterol, bad cholesterol (LDL) and good cholesterol (HDL) are important numbers to know. The higher the good cholesterol the better. This good cholesterol can be increased with exercise and diet.

Cancer Screening (Check Ups)

  • Colon Cancer – colon cancer testing usually starts by age 50 with a colonoscopy. You will be referred to a gastroenterologist for this. This test can be done based on other conditions as well.
  • Prostate Cancer – prostate cancer testing usually starts at age 40 with a simple blood test called a PSA and a digital rectal exam.
  • Breast Cancer – testing usually includes a mammogram by 40.routine monthly self breast exam along with a yearly physician self breast exam is important.
  • Cervical Cancer – is performed by doing a PAP Smear, usually yearly