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COVID 19 Vaccine County Information
The Pandemic Continues
We are a year into the pandemic and yes it continues. Who would have imagined that we would still be here at this point. All of us know someone that has been affected or even worse killed by this deadly virus. Across the country and world, millions continue to be threatened by this virus that is now a part of us. Some of us are more at risk than others, but make no mistake that we are all threatened by this virus. Never before in our lives has everyone’s life been day to day. As a doctor, I have been dealing with the virus every day. I have seen death and have had a chance to prevent death as well. My job is to help educate you on how to keep yourself and loves ones safe. I have seen the power of how telemedicine can help and continue all to take advantage of it.
This novel virus now has mutations and mutants, that we are learning more and more about. Take this seriously. As a result, we may be more likely to be able to get the infection more than once and it is more contagious and dangerous.
Be cautious with cold symptoms
Please do not treat cold symptoms like we all did Pre COVID. It is possible this can be something else. Strongly consider being in communication with your doctor at least by telemedicine to closely monitor symptoms.
What can I do to Avoid the VIRUS?
Its simple wash your hands, keep your distance from others and wear a mask. Avoid all social gatherings including small family get togethers from those outside your household. If you have to get together, do it outside and wear your masks.
By now most know where I stand on the vaccine, get the vaccine unless you have a real reason not to that is based on facts. If you have questions talk to your doctor and hear the facts not gossip or misinformation. Feel free to check in with me an dyes I have gotten the shot. Check out the video here and other information from qualified professionals. This is about life and death. So far all the available vaccines are relatively save and offer benefits when it comes to preventing severe COVID symptoms that may require hospitalization or even worse. Again, strongly consider getting the vaccine and encouraging loved ones to do the same.
Remember that each time a holiday comes up, this has been followed by a spike in cases. Do your best to avoid social gatherings including with your family.
Importantly, make sure to preregister with your county so that you can even have the opportunity to get the vaccine. Preregister even if you are not allowed to get the vaccine yet. Below is the link for your respective county.
Prince Georges County Resident click here for PG County Health information
Howard County Resident Howard County COVID information
Anne Arundel County Resident Anne Arundel County Resident
Montgomery County Resident Montgomery County Resident
Things to do
Wipe down surfaces in your home
wash hands upon entry to your home
have a plan with your family or housemates to avoid the virus
Take advantage of Telemedicine
Make sure you have a doctor
limit your travels outside the home
Consider purchasing a Pulsoximeter to help monitor your oxygen levels