• 24
  • FEB

Medical Marijuana Moving Forward


Medical Marijuana (MM) is moving forward. Dispensaries are now receiving  MM products and making it available to the many people that can benefit from it. Did you know that these dispensaries pay an application fee of $4000, and there is an $ 80,000 annual licensing fee. In addition, there is an estimated $500,000 cost for construction.  So far, I am getting great feedback on the benefits. Some are seeing significant benefits with their pain. Pain levels are being reduced to level 2 from 8. These are people that finally are feeling better.

As you all know, the state of Maryland has legalized MM but the federal government has sent mixed messages on this subject.

There are many dispensaries finally open for business. Here is a quick list, but let me first say that there is one in Laurel on Baltimore Avenue:

  1. Bloom Medicinals: Germantown
  2. Herbalogy: Gaithersburg
  3. Potomac Heights: Rockville
  4. Harvest: Rockville
  5. Rise Bethesda: Bethesda
  6. Liberty: Rockville
  7. Herbiculture:Burtonsville
  8. Rise Silver Spring: Silver Spring
  9. Altpharm LLC: Suitland
  10. Haven: Brandywine

Continue to stay posted on this subject, there are currently a lot of new laws being proposed regarding MM.

Dr. Hill