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New Recommendation to check even younger adults for diabetes!!
While you were busy with something called life, something very important just happened. This week but a major announcement about diabetes and prediabetes was released that will affect the entire country. An organization that is responsible for helping to keep the country healthy made a recommendation that we start checking just about everyone for diabetes at an even younger age. That age is 35 and reflects how common diabetes and prediabetes are. I am glad to say that we have been doing this for some time and sadly, this is a BIG problem. One in three people have prediabetes and about 14 percent of adults have diabetes. Much of this is preventable. COVID has made these numbers worse. It is up to each of us to make a difference. I know personally how much we all fear diabetes but without knowledge and change this will only get worse. Twenty years of caring for people in private practice has shown me that no matter how healthy you are this can affect everyone. From the healthy and active professional to the sedentary person this is real. I am also glad to say that this can be reversed and is preventable.
My recommendations to you:
- Get tested. The hemoglobin A1C test is the best test to find out your status.
- Get smarter about this and lifestyle which includes exercise and diet (forever).
- Get a good doctor and team.
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