• 17
  • DEC
Reversing type 2 diabetes

Reversing type 2 diabetes

Sometimes as a doctor it is easy to become overwhelmed with a new excitement when something good happens. Diabetes and prediabetes affects over a third of the United States population and continues to grow at a record pace. The excitement I would like to share is a recent patient who was found to be a new diabetic and had all the classic symptoms to go with it. This usually includes: urine frequency, drinking a lot of water and fatigue. He even had a hemoglobin A1C of close to 13 which indicates this has been going on for a long time. In many cases, insulin is needed to get things under control. Doctors including myself have to almost always use insulin to get things under control. When approached with this idea, the answer was a firm no, “no insulin”. One thing I did not add is that the person could not walk, so the option of increased exercise was not an option.  The good news that he was right. After two months his numbers had returned to normal and for the past six months he continues to do well with no medicine.

The moral of the story here is that  all things are possible as long as we put our minds to it. Our medschool4people has also helped to improve health one person at a time. Many of the diseases that affect us are preventable.  This also brings to mine a patient that at a very early age had already had a heart attack, stroke, diabetes and peripheral vascular disease. This ran through the family and was related to a lot of reasons that could have been prevented.  THis story repeats itself every day around the entire country. It is important for us to be educated and to be able to identify, understand and have the right checks and balances. Check out Med School 4 People and start changing your health. Diabetes, heart disease, reflux, high blood pressure and so much more will start to improve for you.